Sep 22 – Sep 26, 2022
Sequoia 14
Overall rating 5/5
This place was great, and exactly as marketed. The beds were comfortable and the location was great. If you’re planning to stay for an extended time or spend time in the house (weather, etc) I’d bring along some games and baking/cooking items. There were no games and no cooking condiments (only salt and pepper), so just make sure to stop by the store first. The hosts were communicative.
Accuracy 5
Check-in 5
Cleanliness 5
Communication 5
Location 5
Value 5
Office: 57100 Beaver Dr Bldg 6 Ste 160 Sunriver, OR 97707
Mailing Address: 56880 Venture Lane Suite 104N PMB 305 Sunriver, OR 97707